Social Media Repository – NOVEMBER is Pet Diabetes Awareness Month, brought to you by Caninsulin®.

Please find below videos and images ready for you to use in your practice and on your social media pages.
The text can be copied and pasted from the downloadable file below and edited with your details to personalise for your practice.



Social Media Content Calendar

  1. Download content calendar
  2. Download corresponding images and videos below
  3. Open Facebook – create post
  4. Copy & paste the wording from the content calendar into your post, upload the relevant picture or video.
  5. Click post

Voila, post done!

Diabetes Content

Download the Pet Diabetes Social Social Media Calendar HERE

Image :Frequent Urination

Image: Tired or Depressed

Image: Hungry all the time

Image: Did you know?

Video: Tracker APP

Video: Sugar & Spike

Older Tools

The Importance of vaccination

Video: Feline feukaemia virus

Video: Canine infectious respiratory disease

Video: Protecting dogs from Leptospirosis

Nobivac® Content Calendar

Image: Annual booster reminder

Video: Why vaccinate your dog

Video: Why vaccinate your cat

Image: Dog with germs

Image: Annual booster reminder

Video: Which vaccines for dogs?

Video: Which vaccines for cats?

Image: Cat in a box

Image: Dog on a leash

Image: Dogs & cats protected

Image: Food bowls

Image: Dog barking

Image: City

Image: Dog at a puddle

Image: Dog snouts

Image: Cats with germs


  • For ease of reference, create a folder for each month’s posts.
  • Spell check. Spell check. Spell check.
  • Ask people to like your Facebook page for updates.
  • Made a mistake? Go back and edit your post.